Chartering: A Practical Approach

Low freight markets may appear to be advantageous to charterers. However, chartering has always been a complex business, and today the risk is greater than ever. The rapid rise then fall of the freight markets have exposed owners, disponent owners and charterers to hire payment defaults in the charter party chain. It is therefore essential that managers responsible for a company’s chartering activities should possess a knowledge of their markets and the skills to properly protect the company’s interests.

“Chartering: A Practical Approach” has been held regularly in Cambridge for over 30 years, and many senior executives in today’s top businesses can be counted amongst its alumni. Participants on this programme will leave with the following:

  • Knowledge of the chartering options available in the market
  • How to initiate a successful negotiation
  • What are the various ways to evaluate business opportunities
  • How to reduce the risk of financial exposure
  • Which charter structures are most effective for current and future market fluctuations
  • How FFAs can either help or hinder a strategic position
  • What are the key principles of laytime and demurrage

Case study brings reality into the lecture room

A week-long case study has been especially developed for the course to illustrate many of the practical challenges and problems confronting chartering people daily. This practical Case Study is designed to run throughout the whole period of the course and to provide a thread which will link together much of the subject matter of the lectures. The aim is to allow participants to gain experience of the workings of the chartering market by active involvement in situations which are adapted from real events.

Chartering is a potentially risky business — make mistakes in the lecture room where an experienced lecturing team can correct them.


This course has helped many participants reach senior management positions in leading companies within the industry. Here are some of the benefits they have gained and which you too can derive from attendance:

  • An insight into the pitfalls of chartering
  • Where to turn with a problem
  • What actions to take in the event of an incident
  • How to maximize earnings in a ‘moving’ market
  • An understanding of what makes a good owner/charterer
  • How to put a value on charter party clauses
  • A simple-to-use voyage estimating "pro-forma"
  • What additional clauses to avoid at all costs.

Course information

30 September — 4 October 2024
Madingley Hall

Madingley Hall

Book Now

The fee for this residential programme is £4500 (£3750 plus £750 UK Value Added Tax) and covers tuition, documentation, private en-suite accommodation at Madingley Hall, all meals and a social programme.

Thank you for a really educational and enjoyable course.  The organization and administration were first class and the speakers excellent whilst the international cast of the participants gave it all an added dimension. The perfect balance of learning and enjoyment.

Programme and Booking Form

To download a programme giving fuller details of the course (0.7MB),  click here.

For a Booking Form,  click here.